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Gun Talk Thread

I bought a cheap box of 1000 rounds of reloaded 9mm plinking ammo ... worse stuff ever, no kick, doesn't cycle often, terrible accuracy, couple of the cases have ejected split ... I went out to fed blm, and went all matrix just trying to shoot the stuff and get rid of it, lol.

You got hosed on that deal, we have some great places here in Florida to buy reloaded ammo from at a fraction of the cost that other places charge and it is often better quality. Better powder and better accuracy as you can request custom loads/OAL and a host of other things and they do it all for you and send you the finished product. It's great....

I'm working on my reloading supplies right now though, it's just a lot of expenses until I'm setup on my entire reloading system.
I'm lucky that Indiana is 2nd Amendment friendly. I have a Lifetime LTCH (license to carry handgun). It cost more, but you don't need to renew it every four years. You can carry whatever weapon you legally possess. You don't need to give a reason why you want it, either. The license doesn't specify whether you can carry openly or concealed, either way is legal. I prefer to not draw attention to myself, though. We plan on moving to Arizona next year, and their laws are pretty good too.

I reload my ammo, but it's been hard to get hands on pistol powders lately. So I've been having to buy ammo at Wally World until I can get some more powder. It's like trying to find .22lr around here.

Open carry isn't legal just yet in Florida but we are working on it. Hopefully soon though.

Technically we can carry in this state while hunting, camping, fishing and to and from the range. The only problem with that is that the cops around here get real testy when you exercise those rights and like to push their luckand the rules of law to their favor when you do it. I've been threatened a few times myself while camping because some cops want to be dumb, but then other cops are awesome and tell the stupid ones to shut their mouths and go to hell.
Yeah that's the same kind of experience I have with FreedomMunitions.com and LAX Ammo. Not quite the custom loads but good high quality loads. And it may sound odd, but the stuff LOOKS good too. I've seen reloaders at shows selling stuff that's just awful looking. Like they didn't even clean the brass before reloading it. This stuff looks just as, if not cleaner than factory ammo. And that does matter. They take the time to not only clean their used brass, but inspect it properly. This pic has factory ammo and reloads both in it.


9mm on the left, top is one of my factory Hornady Critical Duty rounds I keep in the Glock for home defense (kind of a bad comparison but the 100 rounds of that is the only factory ammo I actually have in inventory in 9mm) and the bottom one is a reloaded 124gr FMJ from Freedom Munitions using Speer brass.

.223 on the right, top round is factory PMC Bronze and the bottom is LAX .223 reload in Wolf Gold brass.

Most people would have trouble telling them apart to look at them and I'd challenge anyone but the best shooters in the world to truly be able to tell a difference in how they shoot. Obviously the performance of the Hornady 9mm as for penetration, expansion, etc... is going to differ from the FMJ, but the actual shooting of it and the accuracy, it's going to be a little difficult to tell. And shooting the .223 reloads vs. high end Match ammo, yeah there's going to be a difference in accuracy. But no more so than over factory FMJ range ammo.
Your image isn't loading for some reason. As for freedom munitions, yeah, they do a really nice job. Pretty on par with a couple companies here in florida.
As for accuracy with my rifles, I do my own custom loads now with .308, it's a massive difference in accuracy. I have a friend that hooks me up with spent brass and I give him reloads for them but yeah. I spent 3 days recently just reloading for like 8-10 hours a day. I have enough for a while I think...
hornady makes some great tips. I use them often myself but I also like to cast my own rounds as well. I'm also getting a .50 cal black powder soon so that I can have fun with it but first I need to get myself a new crossbow so I can hunt with a friend on the land he has access to for hogs. Can't use a rifle on the land due to it being such a small patch of land, too many concerns with the bullet possible traveling off the land onto other land and hitting equipment or whatever and becoming a felony trespass (if your round trespasses onto land you don't have permission for it to be on it's a felony). So it's time for a new cross bow.
On another note, my father in law handed me a little pistol to take out shooting on Sunday that he just wanted to make sure that it gets shot again. It's a Colt Jr. .25 ACP. Smallest gun I've ever held. It's like a miniature 1911. I'm not going to post a photo of the firearm since it's not mine but this is really the only size comparison pic I could find online.


That's one that was made by Astra in Spain for Colt. The one I have was an actual Colt made gun. Can't wait to shoot that little thing. :cool:

Colt used to make some nice firearms but it's a shame they stopped a lot of their lines, it's no wonder they are going bankrupt... That little 25auto looks cool though. 25acp may be a tiny round but it's better than now gun on you when crap happens.
I've been considering getting one myself for everyday carry instead of carrying my full size S&W pistol all the time.
I have a super tiny 9mm from kahr arms, it's a real pos and jams a lot.

That's because kahr...

no but seriously, it's like due to either never being cleaned right or a simple issue that needs to be adjusted. I've run into a lot of things like that with friend's gun, they complain about them not working and after I take them apart and put them back together, having given them a deep cleaning and made sure there were no burs or issues on reassembly that they haven't failed since I worked on them.

Though one of them I'm still waiting on a spring to come in, I took it apart because it constantly failed for my friend. I shot it found it was not cycling the action right, come to find one of the springs for the trigger group failed and seeing as it's a more obscure firearm I can't just get a drop in replacement so had to order a new spring. Still waiting on that to show, once it's here I'm sure it will work much better.

It can be the tiniest of issues that cause a firearm to fail or jam but once fixed they will run like tops.
Walthers can be a pain to take down, I prefer simplicity in my firearms.
Sig is a great brand, so is glockenspiel and FN, Beretta 92 s are another great one.
I don't see the m&p 9 on that list, I have one and it's been great to me.
I wouldn't bother with a Taurus, they are okay but IDK, plenty of other stuff out there that's higher quality.

I'm surprised the sig P320 isn't on there, that is regarded as the most accurate pistol on the market right now, I'm looking to get one myself, I rented one recently and loved it.

So many pistols, not enough cash to own them all..... LOL.
So many pistols, not enough cash to own them all..... LOL.

You are so right !!! probably going for the SP01 , not because its on number one position, just because I already own an sp 07 and cant complain on that small baby . What kills me is the amount I need to get it , do not know how much it goes in the states , but down here a brand new one is going 1600 bucks . I cant even imagin how much a sig goes , they do not have an official sale representative , and there are only a few on the market
You are so right !!! probably going for the SP01 , not because its on number one position, just because I already own an sp 07 and cant complain on that small baby . What kills me is the amount I need to get it , do not know how much it goes in the states , but down here a brand new one is going 1600 bucks . I cant even imagin how much a sig goes , they do not have an official sale representative , and there are only a few on the market

1600, that just sounds ridiculous right there. Granted I don't know the exchange rate for down there to our cash.

Sig are pricey but better than others, I don't know how they compare though for you and what you are looking at. Good luck with that one.

First aluminum lower 80 I've built... I definitely like it better than my polymer one... still have to break in this one, haven't shot it yet....
Also picked up an inexpensive pistol, and I love it! Sd9ve

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I'm a new rider. I haven't even hit the year benchmark yet. When driving I conceal carry at all times, however, I don't when riding my motorcycle as I'm finding it extremely uncomfortable. I have a stainless Kimber Ultra .45ACP. which is quite heavy. My daily carry holster causes the hammer to dig into my side when riding only. I have googled motorcycle holsters or the like to try and find an alternative but I'm just not finding much feedback from riders. Do you use your daily carry holsters when riding or do you use an off the body alternative?
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3 new toys this year. Loving all of them.

Taurus PT-1911. Kind of a Valentines/Just because gift from the wife.

Mossberg 500 12g. w/ 18" home defense barrel and 28" field barrel. Xmas gift from the wife. (you can be jealous now lol)

New built AR I just finished.

Now I need to be able to afford to feed these beasts lol[/quote]
I'm not a fan of taurus but the others are good stuff. I do like a good shotgun, I have a few of them myself.
ARs, can't really go wrong with one of those... lol.

But yeah, I buy most of my ammo online and have it shipped to the house. I will typically order about a thousand rounds or better at a time to get good deals on them. It's the only way to buy anymore, store prices are too damn high...
[quote="Scott_Thomas, post: 451047"]I have an adjustable iwb holster which I love (forget the brand at the moment). Very comfortable ,but never carried while riding. Also my carry gun is my Glock 30 .45,so it's probably much smaller then your Kimber. I'd like to carry while riding, but I ride mostly to work and my work is anti-gun.

Edit: alien gear iwb holster

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IWBs are good if you are going to be walking around or standing a lot IMO, not so good if you are going to be getting in and out of a vehicle or on and off of a bike. I have come to like shoulder holsters a lot, though access while riding might be an issue but once I am somewhere and have my jacket off it makes it a world of easier to get to thing. I also modded my jacket to allow me pull the zipper much faster to get at it if needed. During the winter I let the pistol hang lower so that all I have to do is just lift the bottom of the jacket to get at it.

Should holsters are the way to go if you are going to be sitting in a vehicle, or anywhere really. It takes it off your hip allowing it to be so much more comfortable to carry and with the proper should holster you won't even think about it being on you at all. You just know it's there and it's comfortable.
