Hopefully this will get stickied!
With riding season fast approaching for those of us in the non year round riding areas and the many of new riders joining our ranks here is a couple of links to help with group riding.
Lets kep in mind that group ride organizers should lead by example, welcome any new riders into group riding, and help any new riders learn the lingo and hand signals by making the documentation available at all group rides.
Group Riding White Papers | Motorcycle Touring USA
Hopefully this will get me some more rep! :rockon:
With riding season fast approaching for those of us in the non year round riding areas and the many of new riders joining our ranks here is a couple of links to help with group riding.
Lets kep in mind that group ride organizers should lead by example, welcome any new riders into group riding, and help any new riders learn the lingo and hand signals by making the documentation available at all group rides.
Group Riding White Papers | Motorcycle Touring USA
Hopefully this will get me some more rep! :rockon: