I have noticed a lot of complaints about weight and power on the FZ6R. So here is a list of simple and not so simple mods to reduce weight and increase power. My bike is now around 451lbs with a full tank and that's still heavy but stock wet weight is 467lbs(470CA). Before mods we weighed almost 1/3 a ton together now nearly 30lbs under stock is a good 50+lbs under 1/3 a ton!!!
NOTICE: I still need the weights of these items
After: Full TBR exhaust system
Stock and After: Street Fighter Mod
After: Fender Elim kit
Stock and After: Mirror Replacement
Stock and After: Flushmounts
and anything else you can see that i didn't put on the list TY GUYS!!!
So without further ado:
Confirmed Stock and Aftermarket Weights = "
Confirmed Stock Weights only = "**"
Unconfirmed Weights = "XX"
Stock Wet Weight = 467Lbs (470CA)
**#1----10lbs----TBR C/F Exhaust, A/F replacement, add PCV [+5HP +4ft/lbs +Coolness] Stock=18.4lbs
XX#2----10lbs----Street Fighter
#3----7.69lbs---Replace the Stock battery [+CCamps]
#4----3.25lbs---Remove Grab Bar [May Smash Tail in a Wreck]
**#5----3lbs-----Fender Eliminator + Inter-graded tail light [+Coolness] Stock=3.5lbs
#6----2.19lbs---Replace stock handlebars with some Apex Clip on Bars [+ Adjust-ability]
#7----2.1lbs----Remove your Tool Bag [-Field Fixable]
XX#8----2lbs-----Replace stock mirrors with pig spotters or bar ends [-Rear Vision]
#9----1.37lbs--Remove the stock bar ends [-Drop Protection]
#10---1.19lbs--Remove injection pump assembly and hosing installed Block off Plates [+Emissions]
XX#11--1lbs-----Smaller Aftermarket Sprockets [Faster Sprocket wear]
XX#12--1lbs-----Flush Mount blinkers [-Intention Visibility]
#13---.38lbs---Replace rear seat with a seat cowl and remove most of the metal from it[PITA]
#14---.38lbs---Replace Stock Kickstand with adjustable aluminum one [-durability]
#15---.1lbs----Remove Stock Front Reflectors [- Night Visibility]
End Wet Weight Max = 429.35Lbs SF= 419.35Lbs
Max -37.65Lbs Total Estimated Reduction without Street Fighter
Max -47.65Lbs Total Estimated Reduction with Street Fighter
My Current bike weight with 25-28lbs of fuel(aka full tank):
Some Weight Saving tips:
-Fuel weighs 6.1lbs per Gallon, a full tank (4.6 gallons) weights 28lbs, even if you only put 3 gallons in your bike that saves nearly 9lbs!!!
-You basically gain 1hp for every 8lbs you/your bike lose
-Diet Diet Diet!!! Your weight is your bikes weight!!!
-Make sure your fluids are not high...or low!!!!
-Take a **** before you ride....seriously!! "Each day, on average, people produce 1 ounce of poop for each 10 pounds of their body weight." so for a 200lb person that's 1-2lbs a day =P
Anytime you replace something on your bike please post the weight of the original part and then the weight of the replacement part to add to the weight reduction chart
(Please post pictures of the part on the scale)
(Please weigh with a lbs/oz fish scale accurate down to the oz)
I recently made a Excel spread sheet that will calculate HP/Weight/HP:LB ratios for you =) called Perdurables FZ6R Weight Calc some pictures attached i attached it in a zip file to this thread. Keep and eye out for updates!!!
***Current Version 2.0
NOTICE: I still need the weights of these items
After: Full TBR exhaust system
Stock and After: Street Fighter Mod
After: Fender Elim kit
Stock and After: Mirror Replacement
Stock and After: Flushmounts
and anything else you can see that i didn't put on the list TY GUYS!!!
So without further ado:
Confirmed Stock and Aftermarket Weights = "

Confirmed Stock Weights only = "**"
Unconfirmed Weights = "XX"
Stock Wet Weight = 467Lbs (470CA)
**#1----10lbs----TBR C/F Exhaust, A/F replacement, add PCV [+5HP +4ft/lbs +Coolness] Stock=18.4lbs
XX#2----10lbs----Street Fighter

**#5----3lbs-----Fender Eliminator + Inter-graded tail light [+Coolness] Stock=3.5lbs

XX#8----2lbs-----Replace stock mirrors with pig spotters or bar ends [-Rear Vision]

XX#11--1lbs-----Smaller Aftermarket Sprockets [Faster Sprocket wear]
XX#12--1lbs-----Flush Mount blinkers [-Intention Visibility]

End Wet Weight Max = 429.35Lbs SF= 419.35Lbs
Max -37.65Lbs Total Estimated Reduction without Street Fighter
Max -47.65Lbs Total Estimated Reduction with Street Fighter
My Current bike weight with 25-28lbs of fuel(aka full tank):
Some Weight Saving tips:
-Fuel weighs 6.1lbs per Gallon, a full tank (4.6 gallons) weights 28lbs, even if you only put 3 gallons in your bike that saves nearly 9lbs!!!
-You basically gain 1hp for every 8lbs you/your bike lose
-Diet Diet Diet!!! Your weight is your bikes weight!!!
-Make sure your fluids are not high...or low!!!!
-Take a **** before you ride....seriously!! "Each day, on average, people produce 1 ounce of poop for each 10 pounds of their body weight." so for a 200lb person that's 1-2lbs a day =P
Anytime you replace something on your bike please post the weight of the original part and then the weight of the replacement part to add to the weight reduction chart
(Please post pictures of the part on the scale)
(Please weigh with a lbs/oz fish scale accurate down to the oz)
I recently made a Excel spread sheet that will calculate HP/Weight/HP:LB ratios for you =) called Perdurables FZ6R Weight Calc some pictures attached i attached it in a zip file to this thread. Keep and eye out for updates!!!
***Current Version 2.0
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