Frustrated beyond belief!

Yamaha bought his bike back, he had a baby, and since then he's been busy I guess. And he hasn't been on the forums. Dunno if he ended up getting the FZ8, CBR, or cruiser. lol. Maybe being a new Dad has consumed his life? lol.

Hope all's well with u BJ... :)
Might be from use of low-octane fuel...have you tried switching to 94 for a few tanks?

Used to have this problem with my car...switching to 94 solved the said problem...

Sounds crazy, but it worked...

You shouldn't need to put higher octane fuel than what yamaha suggests in their beasts.


My bad; you're right!! Had not noticed the post was this old nor the mention about his use of 91, I am sorry, just thought I could help, thanks for pointing it out.

I don't know for USA, but in eastern canada from Toronto to 200 miles east of Montreal, we get 94. It is offered by Petro-Canada and Sunoco (same distributor) as well as some Creviers. It does make a huge difference in my car, especially for MPG which it improves radically (about 10 %) and is worth every penny of its 1.45 $ a liter price tag (91 is around 1.38)

