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2019 FZ6R ?? No More / Discontinued


New Member
Apr 24, 2009
Honeoye NY
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I was on here a bit ago...last year I upgraded my FZ6R to my FZ09... things is a torque monster but I LOVED my FZ6R!! it was perfect they way I had it and still have a soft spot for them.

Looking at 2019 Yamaha line up I DONT See the FZ6R? Did Yamaha discontinue it?!?!?!?!

I bought my sight unseen before dealers had them in fall of 2008 for my Cadium Yellow 6R!!

Just checking in to see as I wanted to check out the colors and if any upgrades and just keep an eye on em and they were my first REAL bike and have a soft spot for em. I wish I was able to keep it!!! and have both...

Thank you for any feedback........
looks like it 2018 was the last model year. I wonder why? I wonder maybe due to the FZ series it was too alike.... oh well...its like my dog died. so sad!!!
Sad. Well, the little Fizzer had a good run and the new line of Fizzer are doing well I believe, probably no point of keeping the 6R on the line up

I guess your right Marthy....so are doing exhausts now for new FZ's?? I will have to check it out. If I recall you got your start with the lil 6r....I will need something for the fz-09 so I will have to check out page again and see whats up these days with your stuff.

If you want new, there may be some leftovers still available. I got my 2015 in Jan. of 2016 at a good price - $6900. Any dealer can do a search for you. Lots of lightly used ones probably at good prices because of off-season.
