Search results

  1. N

    Best Headphones For Riding?

    Just a word to the wise. In florida helmet speakers are ok, but ear buds or anything you can stick in your ear is illegal. One exception, I'm sure, is ear plugs. Nighthack
  2. N

    First Day. Three close calls

    Let me put on my MSF ridercoach hat on for a minute. The range rules states to" keep the clutch covered first riding day"." Keep a wrist flat position on the throttle" This is what most coaches say next."keep all four fingers on the throttle, don't touch the front brake unless your going to use...
  3. N

    First Day. Three close calls

    I installed a headlight modulater on one of my other bikes 20 months ago. I have not had a single person cut me off in that time. I ordered one for the 6r the day I bought the bike back in July and no one has cut me off on that bike either.... Nighthack
  4. N

    What type of oil to buy?

    filters, I've a 95 cb 750,97 honda valkyrie, and a 09 6r they all use the same size filter. Nighthack
  5. N

    Florida Riders?

    Niceville,proud fz6r owner for 5 days,required to own a sportbike to instruct military sportbike rider course, 300 lbs. lighter wheel base 10 inches shorter than my valkyrie,this bike will turn around in a phone booth.I love it! Steve w
