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  1. S

    WTF is wrong with people???

    The first day with my new Targa FE on the bike. I love the way it looks, but... When I got home today (as in, 10 minutes ago) I looked at my bike's rear end and was like WTFFF... Basically, someone rolled the license plate in a roll and tucked it behind the FE's plate on which it is...
  2. S

    This makes me want to move to the country...

    I've been contemplating this thread for a while now. Every day I commute to school and back, about 4 miles of streets and a mile on the interstate. If the "Seattle, WA" placetag under my name doesn't mean anything to you, I'll explain: it rains here 5 days a week, most of the time not too...
  3. S

    Washington State Bike Ride Recommendations

    Hello everyone from the Evergreen State! I know that we have some people here from WA, so I wanted to share my ride experiences so far, and hopefully you will too! My first day trip on a bike was about a month ago now. The first leg of the trip was the Pioneer Highway to Stanwood and...
  4. S

    Deer are scary

    This morning I went out on a bike ride, north of Seattle on side roads. 120 miles into the trip (out of about 200), I was going on this straight stretch of SR-9, and was going about 70 I would say. Can't say I wasn't focused, but I didn't expect a deer hopping out of the bushes and onto the...
  5. S

    Introduction, lots of questions

    Hello everyone, I am a new owner of a 2009 Raven FZ6R. I bought it last weekend with only 1600 miles on it. The only aftermarket additions on the bike are the Shogan frame sliders and a tank protector sticker. So far I visually inspected a lot of stuff on the bike - brakes, chain slack...
