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  1. N

    So...I quit

    I feel for you dude. Been there done that the same way. Smoked for 13+ years and have been smoke free for 1yr. Trust me the longer you use the patch it will get easier. DON'T CHEAT YOURSELF!!!!!! Before long you'll be bitchen about other peoples smoke, and you'll think to yourself, "how did I...
  2. N

    Gear choices. Criticism and advice encouraged.

    I love your bike. Could you be so kind to give me the specifics of your exhaust mod. It looks fantastic. Hopefully I will be carving the roads here in Michigan in about a year or so.
  3. N

    Gear choices. Criticism and advice encouraged.

    What are your thoughts of your RX-Q. Really want to buy one as my first helmet, rather than buying a lesser quality helmet first and then shelling out big bucks later down the road when I realize that I really want the better quieter Arai RX-Q What are your thoughts.
  4. N

    M4 exhaust, two brothers juice box, KN filter. for Fz6R

    Any db problems with the local law enforcement folks.
