Recent content by Rotaryknight

  1. Rotaryknight

    The voice over sounds so fake....
  2. Rotaryknight

    FZ-09 (MT-09) Review Thread

    I like the front more than the street triple but the seat...really hate it with the dirt bike look and even looking at it, it just seems too high.
  3. Rotaryknight

    A Local Testament to Helmets

    Glad the guy is still alive. T-boning a car head on is basically a death sentence above 40mph when you are thrown off. From his helmets damage, it looked like he face planted into the ground when he was thrown off the bike from the crash and rolled. Never leave home with a helmet, even if you...
  4. Rotaryknight

    Yeaaaah buddy!

    fastest I've gone is 130 on a motorcycle....cant imagine 200mph o_O
  5. Rotaryknight

    Stuck riding behind diesel garbage truck on single lane road

    The best time to ride a bike for me is through a park where they just started to cut the grass.....oh that sweet cut grass smell :) I wouldve passed that truck however I can, forget legality, my health is on the line lol
  6. Rotaryknight

    So the Irony Gods hate me. . . . . . .

    damn, that sucks. Is the damage just scratched paint? I ordered my frame sliders for my FZ8 and wont be here until tomorrow, I am hoping that nothing happens while I am out riding till then. The weather is just so nice :D
