Recent content by gearhead

  1. G


    That is awesome. Thumbs up, congrats, etc.. You are doing it right. Christmas is all about the kids. Holidays are about family, and the kids make it more fun. Happy holidays to all. Jeff
  2. G

    top speeds?

    Dart, yes I did read the story and my point was that the guy was not caught in the act of speeding. Are you proposing that speeding is a violation that should be retroactively enforcable? Yes, the guy was an idiot for where he did it; but I do not agree that launching an investigation based on...
  3. G

    top speeds?

    He was convicted for speeding because he was bragging about it??? Even if it is true, where is the proof? Another question, what do the cops do, watch internet chat rooms and issue citations? There's an easy quota. This is disturbing and when did this sort of thing be allowed to...
  4. G

    For any mad hatters out there...

    I do not need the government to protect me from myself. What's next? Mandatory leathers? Training wheels? I know, maybe a safety cage... oh wait, that's a car. We all know it's the insurance companies who are behind this because, God knows, they do not make enough profit. :rolleyes:
  5. G

    Harley Fail

    Beautiful. Both of them. I never get tired of seeing Harley riders do what comes natural.
  6. G

    Gotta have it - Daytona 675

    That's a sweet bike! My next bike will be a TRiumph ST. Have fun!
  7. G

    Confessions of a gear whore.... :))

    Driving home yesterday I saw a black glove on the side of the road. "Wow, that's a bummer" I thought. About 1/2 mile later I passed another one just like the first. After the tire smoke cleared, I had myself a fairly new pair of Olympia gloves that were in my size. As I continued driving, I...
  8. G

    <-- Last dude on earth to watch old Star Wars

    Recommend: Strange Brew and Monty Python's Holy Grail
  9. G

    What Not To Wear (while riding)

    Welcome to my world (Redding, CA). Most of summer is over 100 degrees with peaks up to 113. Today, it was 105. WTF??? Riding on the freeway was like riding into a giant blowdryer. Can't imagine why I was only in a tee-shirt and jeans. I wish I had shorts on!!!!
  10. G

    Keep these in mind when "Trying" to get rid of chicken strips

    OUCH! At least he had protective clothing on. I'm not a gear nazi, but if you're going to screw around like that, then protect yourself!
  11. G

    What video editing program?

    I have Pinnacle Studio 12 and really like it. Movies are extremely easy and intuitive to create; so is the sound/music editing. If I'm not simply resizing a pic for e-mail, then I go through Pinnicle for just about everything.
  12. G

    my Windscreen proto type.

    That is really nice and more in line with what I want as far as a sport touring machine. Amazing work. Are you interested in production?
  13. G

    do "loud pipes save lives"?

    I always wanted to learn to fly an airplane. F'n sweet! Jealous and envious, but old enough to bump an ego boost and say, "I wish I was you."
  14. G

    What's a cager?

    Wow, nice response time... 3 minutes. LOL
  15. G

    do "loud pipes save lives"?

    I like the South Park suggestion: just call the Harley loud pipe attention whores "FAG!"
